Suzanne Miller is a contemporary abstract artist known for her thought-provoking artwork. Through her expressive use of oil paint, she delves into personal, political, and social current events, creating pieces that resonate with viewers on a profound level.

In 1996, Suzanne came upon The Leo Marchutz School of Painting & Drawing in Aix-en-Provence, France. Driven by her passion for art, she quickly enrolled and set off on an adventure with just a backpack. Immersed in the captivating French culture, she honed her skills by painting plein-air, still life compositions, and portraits. Aix-en-Provence, renowned for being the hometown of Cezanne, granted Suzanne access to historical painting sites such as Château Noir. She also drew inspiration from studying the works of esteemed artists like Van Gogh, Giacometti and Rembrandt. Returning to America proved challenging, as Suzanne had become deeply connected to the French art scene.

Suzanne’s talent has garnered recognition through numerous exhibitions and awards in both America and France. Her captivating artwork graces public spaces and private collections alike. Today, she resides in Orlando, Florida, constantly evolving her artistic practice and exploring new creative horizons


Nature Weeps

Nature Weeps

“Suzanne’s painting presents a vivid green field that symbolizes nature’s vast, enveloping presence – a force that is insistent and dominant yet portrayed with an elegance that captivates the viewer’s senses.”

– Wyland Foundation


I begin with what’s on my mind in that moment or my mood. Sometimes it starts with a color I want to use. I do not visualize what I want to create. I do not work from sketches. If I am in a Flow state, it all becomes natural. I improvise with what begins to happen. I seek to become lost, letting a greater source guide me in actions. I create because I always have. It is a need, a drug, love.

Suzanne Miller


B: 1963, Miami, Florida
Lives in Orlando, FL

1996-97 Leo Marchutz School, Aix-en-Provence, France
1984 A.S. Advertising Design, Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale

Group Exhibitions
2024 VoLo Foundation, 2024 Climate Correction Expo Art Exhibit
2001 OVAL Gallery, Orlando, FL
2001 O2 Elements, Orlando, FL
2001 O2 Elements, Orlando, FL
2001 O2 Elements, Orlando, FL
2001 O2 Elements, Orlando, FL
1997 Leo Marchutz Atelier, Aix en Provence, France
1996 Leo Marchutz Atelier, Aix en Provence, France
1993 Harris House of Atlantic Center for the Arts

2024 ArtAscent Magazine V62
2024 Wyland Foundation Review
1993 Orlando Sentinel feature arts article

1992 Residence, South Florida Arts Center, Miami Beach, FL

Corporate, Public Spaces, Private Collections


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